The Sunday Jazz Brunch Presents
The Pulsing Heart of Jazz
Air Date: 3/17/2024 on 90.5 WICN 8am-12pm ET
Right here in Worcester Massachusetts you will find the pulsing heart of jazz. Like your own heartbeat, it is always there, playing, waiting for you to turn on that radio or connect on the internet so you can hear glorious sounds.
Now is our Spring Into WICN fund drive, and we are hoping that you will call during your favorite show and donate to Worcester's only NPR radio station.
We know there are other NPR stations in the state and elsewhere that you can listen to. Oh wait a moment, none of them play any significant amount of jazz. Or blues, folk, Latin, world, Brazilian, new age, or soul.
WICN is an oasis in a desert of these musical genres.
Join me Sunday morning for four hours of great jazz, and a little fundraising mixed in, but the music plays on. You can subscribe and/or donate here: WICN DONATION PAGE. Do it Sunday morning during the show - it is much more dramatic that way!
Listen from here: WICN live stream.
The phone number is 508-752-0700. It would be fun to call in and speak with you if you like.
I hope to hear from you on Sunday 8am - 12pm ET. Thanks for your support.
Photo: Sabitha22.M, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons