The Sunday Jazz Brunch Presents

An Intimate Concert You Don't Want to Miss

Air Date: 9/17/2023 on 90.5 WICN 8am-12pm ET

On Sunday October 1 at 11am Studio 50 will host a very special performance by Mafalda Minnozzi. WICN has formed a bond with this internationally-recognized vocalist. 

Her albums are filled with human emotion. She sings songs that we know and love with beauty and compassion. 

Ms. Minnozzi will appear live with her music director/guitarist Paul Ricci, and they will perform songs from their new CD, Natural Impression.

Purchase tickets by clicking on this link.

Even if you cannot make it to the performance, call us anyway to donate to your favorite radio station, WICN. And thanks so much for listening to The Sunday Jazz Brunch.





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